In August of 2015, K&W was hired by JCCC to design a fiber optic network to increase capacity and insure reliability by designing and building a redundant network connecting all campus buildings in a ring configuration that connected to 2 Main Data Centers. The design also included capacity for future upgrades and campus expansion. This plant amounts to some 21,000 route feet, 85,000 conduit feet & 17,000,000 individual fiber feet. A need arose during construction to upgrade JCCC’s camera system to meet impending regulation. JCCC now has unsurpassed capability and capacity to configure, upgrade and replace their fiber systems at minimal cost because of the design JCCC adopted.
The network consisted of 6 x 1.25” conduits around the campus, 3 x 1.25” conduits to each building other than data centers, and 12 x 1.25” conduits out of each data center and to the e ntrances of the campus. 6 of the 12 conduits are for future Vendors that would like to gain access to the campus without constructing anything on campus property. The 6 conduits around the campus were for campus use. A 288ct/432ct Singlemode Backbone for all data communication and security camera connectivity was installed in conduit 1. In addition a 24ct Multi mode fiber for all fire alarm connectivity was installed for full redundancy in conduit 2. Conduits 3-6 are left as spare for future use. Each Data Center has 2 entries that consist of large 288ct/432ct Backbone cables as well as a 24ct Multi mode fiber enclosed in steel conduit through the buildings. Each secondary building has 2 x 72ct single mode and 24ct multi mode entries. There are 12 dedicated fibers on each single mode cable that connect directly to both data centers where they can be fed service or patched at the data center to connect to another secondary building. Large slack vaults for slack storage in pre-determined locations was installed for future build out or connections.
For the security camera portion of the project, K&W worked with Graybar and DTI (Dynamic Control Inc.) on a new Camera 400+ project throughout the JCCC campus. K&W was responsible for all camera wiring, terminations, testing, camera installation, and camera orientation- primarily inside cameras, some outside cameras, and license plate readers at each entrance to the campus that communicate with Overland Park Police Department to monitor all traffic in and out of the campus within seconds.These cameras assist campus police daily in keeping students and faculty safe around the clock.
K&W wants to thank JCCC for their partnership, as well as our install teams for a job well done!