Since 2012, K&W Underground, Inc. has partnered with a third-party safety consulting and management firm, Progressive Environmental & Safety Group. Our representatives, David Redlin “Safety Dave” and Darren Pack, conduct regular safety meetings, industry specific OSHA trainings and certifications, post-accident investigations, and random monthly job site inspections to ensure all crews are maintaining the highest levels of safety standards on each and every project throughout the Midwest. David and Darren talk more below about their experience working with K&W.
David explains “Progressive Environmental & Safety Group is extremely proud of our long-standing relationship with K&W Underground! We share the same passion for worker safety, professionalism in our performance and integrity! It's evident in our 3rd party random jobsite inspection reports, our insurance carrier's risk control inspections and NO OSHA Citations received that K&W Underground employees WorkSAFE...Like a Pro!”
Darren states “Through our extensive damage prevention efforts (which undoubtedly costs K&W a small fortune each year), we have relatively few at fault utility hits. K&W employees have also, in my presence, even taken the initiative to warn other contractors who may be working at the same job site about utilities they've found that were not marked, mismarked, or were configured in an unusual way so the other contractor wouldn't have a potentially dangerous utility strike. In one instance, two K&W employees even made the heroic effort to waive off another contractor whom they observed was getting too close to a marked underground duct bank containing very high profile utility facilities. And I would be re-miss if I failed to mention that in the interest of assisting the public and being a good neighbor, I have seen K&W management offer its equipment and employee's labor time to assist in various activities. On more than one occasion I've even seen the employees work throughout the night with a contractor (at great expense) to restore critical water and sewer lines that were struck through no fault of the company and then assisting with the clean-up.”
K&W is the industry leader in non-invasive methods of underground installation through hydro- vacuum excavation and directional drilling techniques to help prevent utility damages, protecting workers, and the citizens and utility providers of each community. K&W construction crews are trained, and use the recommended best practices of the National Common Ground Alliance. We value our partnership with Progressive Environmental & Safety Group, David and Darren, and continue each day to exceed all safety measures in keeping our team and community safe.