In July 2016, K&W was contracted by Zayo Group to install conventional loose tube fiber, micro duct and micro fiber network in an existing conduit package throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Prior to fiber installation the existing conduits were proofed to determine any damaged conduits.
All unusable conduit locations were determined, excavated, repaired and retsored prior to fiber or micro duct installation.
K&W's fiber installation specialists placed 2 x 12/10mm micro ducts and 1 x 16/13mm micro duct into a 1.25” HDPE conduit, 1-18/16mm in a second 1.25" HDPE conduit and 1-large count conventional loose tube fiber in another existing 1.25" conduit throughout the route. The team faced a challenge after being told that they could not install 2 different sizes of micro duct with the equipment being used (Condux 400). K&W's solution was to build a custom brass (Venturi) to allow for both sizes of micro duct to be placed at the same time. The representatives for Condux came to the jobsite on the first day of the placement with disbelief that it would work. The team placed 5000ft on their first day, proving that the process and modification was a success. K&W continued to place 6000-8000 ft per day of 3 way micro duct. K&W crews also placed 1 x 18/16mm micro duct in a separate 1.25” HDPE conduit averaging 10,000ft per day. Also included in this project was a Missouri River bridge crossing.
Over 127,000 feet of large count loose tube fiber installed
Over 150,000 feet of 3 way micro duct installed
Over 28,000 feet of single micro duct installed
Over 177,00 feet of micro fiber installed
All fiber was successfully placed and tested, job was completed on November 20, 2016.